Dancing and Crying: Vol. 1
Life has a way of teaching us our greatest lessons through our deepest pain and loss. In these moments where we're flipped on our heads, sometimes the only option is to let go and start over. In some sense, we're always at the beginning, middle, and the end. Every end is a new beginning, every new beginning marks an end, and along this journey between life and death, we're perpetually in the midst. This next volume of music marks the start of a new musical era, the midpoint of a long healing journey, and the conclusion of a lengthy phase of being attached to who I thought I was. Everything you see and hear unfolded on its own, effortlessly and with the support of an amazing community, with very little planning and an abundance of spontaneity! This project is as alive as you and I and has taken on a life of its own. Truth be told, not even I know where it's heading. All that's holding it all together is the heart at the center of it all.
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